Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September Simple Days FREEBIES

Hey! Did you forget to sign up for The Simple Homeschool's Freebie Newsletter? If so, you're missing out on some FANTASTIC free Unit Studies! Do you kids LOVE Eagles (stupid question, really - who isn't fascinated by a raptor?)...or how about Reptiles? Were you looking for a fun little copybook on Autumn stuff? And would you like your kids to learn a little about the Biosphere in my Ecology unit?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then what are you waiting for? Sign up for my newsletter and I'll deliver 4 new FREE unit studies to your inbox every month. But just in case you forgot to do that - go check out my free units right here! Hurry though, I take them down on the last day of every month and put them up for sale in the store for 99 cents so I can get ready to make you MORE FREE unit studies the next month!


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