Thursday, February 12, 2009

The FREE Unit Studies are Up!

...and because I know you all are so busy I'm going to post the link here so even if you didn't sign up for the zine - you'll still get all 9 freebies. It's my way of paying it forward!

I'm pooped today. I was up all night finishing the freebie page and making e-book covers and I've spent the past three weeks getting ready for the big product launch of Forensic Science.

But, it's over now and I have like three whole days to screw off before I have to start writing Anatomy and Physiology.

Three days to myself sound like heaven.

I am going to be updating my about me page today for fun...yeah, that's my pathetic version of fun, to show off my farm and my animals, so stop by and check it out here.

Oh, and the BIG SALE ends Saturday at Midnight - get 'em now - regular price starts Sunday.

J. Anne


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